Kindness in Recruitment
This week I have a further meeting with a fantastic Recruiter who may come and work at ‘Isabelle Williams – Recruiting Recruiters’.
This has led me to firming up the culture and values I want Isabelle Williams to embody.
I will be incorporating the T.R.I.C.K principles by Esther Wojcicki.
Esther believes that to create self-motivated, successful teams you should show people TRUST, treat them with RESPECT, give them INDEPENDENCE, COLLABORATE rather than dictate, and finally treat them with KINDNESS.
The ‘Kindness’ value resonated with me as I recently received a testimonial from a top biller who described my approach as ‘showing Kindness’.
I have never known a recruitment business to have a value of ‘kindness’.
10 – 20 years ago this would have been laughed out of the room. Maybe it still would….?
What do you think to ‘kindness’ as a recruitment businesses value, would it be interpreted as weakness….?
Would you partner with a ‘Rec 2 Rec’ that branded themselves as kind – or would this be perceived as soft, weak, unable to have difficult conversations or negotiate hard?
‘Never underestimate the power of a kind person, kindness is a choice that comes from incredible strength.’ unknown
I would really love your thoughts!