How to significantly increase your recruitment billings with this 5 minute technique!
‘Future pacing’ is a technique than can be used in different ways through the sales process, however, this article is going to cover how to use this technique to increase the action you take day to day and improve the quality of your action.
We all know that the more action we take, the more success we will have. Yes, some luck can come into play in our game of recruitment (unless you are of the view that we make our own luck!) and of course it helps if you work smart. But ultimately, you only need to look at the most successful consultants in your business and you will see they are the ones who take the most action.
Most of us know exactly what activity we should be doing each day to reach our goals but sometimes something prevents us from doing it, or we don’t take the action consistently enough week in week out which is so vital for success in recruitment. This is where this technique can come in.
‘Future Pacing’ is an NLP (neuro linguistic programming) technique to programme the mind. It is believed that by mentally rehearsing a future result, the desired outcome automatically occurs. We must never underestimate the power of the mind, the power it has over our bodies and the power our thoughts have over our reality. I appreciate I may be starting to sound a little ‘voo doo’ for some at this point but stick with me!
The idea of this technique is that you spend a few minutes each day, maybe before you go to sleep, before you get out of bed in the morning, while in the shower, while cleaning your teeth (you get the idea!) where you plan the day you want to have in your mind. Make it part of your routine and do it every day.
See yourself doing all you need to do. Maybe you are getting your head down doing business development, see yourself reaching the key people you need to speak with and see yourself smiling as the calls are going incredibly well. Maybe you have an important meeting that day, visualise yourself at the meeting, see you and your client laughing together. It maybe you have a great job you’re recruiting for with few suitable applicants, use this technique to visualise the perfect CV coming into your inbox and feel the excitement as you open the CV. See yourself doing a placement dance (if that’s your thing!).
To intensify this technique and for it to become more effective, as you visualise allow yourself to feel the feelings you would be feeling. The excitement as you receive an offer for a candidate, the relief when you receive positive interview feedback from a new client, the happiness when you look at your commission slip.
I appreciate these types of techniques are not for everybody, but even if you don’t believe in the power of the mind, you have nothing to lose in trying this and having fun with it!
I can promise you from personal experience this works, I could write a whole article with examples where I have used this and similar techniques with amazing results.
The right mindset is a key ingredient for success in recruitment and this is a simple technique to put you in the right frame of mind for a great day. Why not give it a try today and prepare to be amazed!